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The IPCC sixth assessment 2021 - temperature scenarios

IPCC 2021


Countries with the largest CO2 emissions in the world


List of climate impacts Created by chatgpt 3.5

Chatgpt 3.5 december 2023


Earth To Warm Up To 2.9C Even With Current Climate Pledges: UN

UN reported on Barrons November 2023



So called CLIMATE BOMB oil projects by rich western states, after Paris

'Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

“… countries responsible for the largest carbon emissions from planned fossil fuel production are India (coal), Saudi Arabia (oil) and Russia (coal, oil and gas). The US and Canada are also planning to be major oil producers, as is the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is hosting the crucial UN climate summit Cop28 …”

TheGuardian november 2023


Climate records tumble, leaving Earth in uncharted territory - scientists

Bbc july 2023


AMOC ocean current

Extreme Climate Impacts From Collapse of a Key Atlantic Ocean Current Could be Worse Than Expected, a New Study Warns

Insideclimaenews february 2024


Climate change triggering global collapse in insect numbers, stressed farmland shows 63% decline: New research

Phys april 2022


climate_temp_impact_predictions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/24 02:37 by

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