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Cyberbullying: Harassment, threats, or humiliation from peers online can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. Online Harassment: Persistent unwanted messages, comments, or stalking behavior can cause fear and anxiety in teens.

Public Shaming: Being publicly criticized, mocked, or ridiculed on social media platforms can damage self-esteem and lead to shame. Rumors and Gossip: Spreading false information or rumors about a teen online can lead to reputational harm and social anxiety.

Gaslighting: Psychological manipulation tactics used to make a teen doubt their perceptions or reality can lead to confusion and self-doubt. Hate Speech: Experiencing hate speech, discriminatory comments, or online abuse can lead to feelings of anger, fear, and insecurity. Trolling: Provocative or inflammatory comments from trolls seeking to elicit emotional responses can cause distress and anger.

Body Shaming: Criticism or negative comments about a teen's appearance or body image can contribute to body dissatisfaction and self-esteem issues.


Threats: Receiving threats of harm, violence, or retaliation online can lead to fear, anxiety, and trauma.

Doxxing: Sharing personal information or private details about a teen online without consent can lead to privacy violations and emotional distress.

Manipulation: Being manipulated or coerced into sharing personal information, images, or engaging in risky behaviors online can lead to feelings of vulnerability and shame.

Stalking: Persistent monitoring, following, or tracking of a teen's online activities can cause fear, anxiety, and invasion of privacy.


Impersonation: Someone posing as a teen online to deceive, manipulate, or harm them can lead to emotional distress and trust issues.

Fake Accounts: Impersonation or creation of fake accounts to bully, deceive, or manipulate teens can cause confusion and emotional distress.

Catfishing: Being deceived by someone pretending to be someone else online can lead to feelings of betrayal and mistrust.


CORE 1 self esteem distrust feelings of inadequacy

body image bolemia anorexia

→ ihkv wat je wilt presenteren

self harm suicide

→ moeilijk

CORE 2 stress mental wellbeing mental health

DISC addiction impulsivity validation seeking

X loneliness, isolation


porn cp revengeporn


CORE 1 self esteem distrust feelings of inadequacy

CORE 2 stress mental wellbeing mental health


kinds_of_online_abuse.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/24 01:24 by

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