Two things - sad & happy - to take note of, as a Christian Sad On Penny school, this website, we try to avoid a certain phenomenon that is quite strongly prevalent in communication among peers, but also older people and psychiatric professionals. This phenomenon is to shorten and keep shortening terms used for Sad stuff. So, to talk about a Sad incident you experienced, or a Loss, and quite immediately refer to it as this, that, trauma, loss or your experience. Penny school thinks this shortening is bad for the victim or friend or family with a loss. For example, we think it secretly tells you not to say too much or address it with the emotion that it is really accompanied with. So it suppresses your hurt for you. Penny school believes in expression and music, singing and playing instruments and dancing (or gestures & yoga). So please, keep saying he or she passed away, you were hit, abused, raped, neglected. All of it, verbose, as it's called, and don't hesitate on ME and I. This brings us to the second Sad remark. Metoo is a movement of women and girls with Sad intimate relational and sexual experiences, which arose on the web and in courts around 2018-2020ad. Metoo drew an important conclusion for processing such experiences in a healthy way... please ignore the perpetrator, let the court handle these, mostly men. Metoo says it all. A Sad sexual experience, your position in your family or a loss... after a while you will find that a so-called life event is NOT an event. Stronger put, a loss is not even about the person who passed, but care must focus on those left behind. Simply listen to who is prayed for. That includes you and those around you. Penny school is addressing Sad things. So please do not feel this is TOO MUCH attention for you. Life has Happy and Sad stuff, addressing both in a healthy way is essential. ---- Happy This section about being happy as a Christian is shorter, but maybe a little hard to follow. What Penny school wants to tell you, is that being a Christian or becoming is not something, contrary to section above, for yourself nor by yourself. It's not studying or improving yourself. You can do being a Christian together even if you differ in orientation or experience. Online, like in a chat room, there's often a warning when you enter. System says: no politics, no religion. Part of being with other Christians is the ease of being. This ease is not Christian, but it's there to teach, discuss, or try discussing Christianity. It's fun. A non Christian, or inexperienced Christian can be approached, be asked questions, or taught a little lesson. Of course this is fun. So there's Happy in Christianity. And this is not all of it. Enjoy. Thank you for reading. === eof ----