{{screenshot_20250211-185426.png}} **PENNY school Holland** **on future web, edu, Earth ** **shrinking & dying** - 5 items Feb25 [[Classroom WebCam]] certificate 6000Is1 === **Main topic: start learning Russian & Japanese** [[Russian and Japanese sheet 01]] **Main topic: History** [[History main doc]] **Main topic: Climate** [[climate_v2]] - oct 2024 ---- ---- //Item// Write your own item in wiki here on the Penny school website FUN Press [[Pencil]] icon ---- ---- //Item// WITH... **Bad government news** Rich countries **silencing climate protest** while preaching about rights elsewhere, says study https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/sep/10/climate-rights-report-draconian-measures-protest The Guardian september 2024 LIKE... 1. Dutch govt decides to **police more violent** ... decision 2/7 2024ad 2. **World broke through Paris agr limit** May 2024 3. And Admin admitted to psych 6/20 2024 4. Best times of Rising 2015-2019 & London 2022 5. Hopes getting low after UN 4/4 2022... Admin stopped creating Phantom University, age 49. Sum. 2006-2012 tech enthusiasm, then focus freespeech against security, then climate action ... 2023+: brain dead ---- //Item// **NEVER BE SILENCED** http://blackboard.earth/index.php/girls-01 Get me out of here - [[if you don't love illegal]] With losing freedom on the street the web enters a new stage for the Dutch from 2/7 2024ad on (event, see above)... 1. the stage of post freedom 2. everything must be online, or be gone 3. it is no longer a medium, but a //living thing// ---- //Item// **more** - //the Penny school advantage// all main topics are on [[start_0119]] [[library]] [[more_topics]] [[Topics outside soc & life]] ... EXCELLENT **web** Best [[sources web]] ... EXCELLENT More [[places]] on web ICT is [[everything plus algorithm]] :) Dutch recipe [[Segrijnslakbouillon met wilde brandnetels]] ---- //Item// **The web is shrinking** https://theconversation.com/we-spent-six-years-scouring-billions-of-links-and-found-the-web-is-both-expanding-and-shrinking-159215 So... the days of web, web growth and web publishing **idealism** are over. On top of that... the age of the **summary** and **insight** instead of raw info from the web has begun, with LLM / chatGPT etc. The 'big search'... is over (2022ad+) ---- [[Note on Web by fastcompany]] [[Note tech enthusiasm 2006 vs 2017]] [[Description power law of web visits]] [[Note what interests people top15]] [[Note 6dim imagery, nudes, sex]] [[the 8 developers of LLM white paper at google]] ---- ---- {{screenshot_20250211-190008.png}} Maintained by... **Admin Lijpje** uses an Android12 10" [[Nokia t20 tablet]] & [[blackboard]] Admin's **[[micro_blog]]** - [[admin_certificates]] - [[admin_lifelogs]] Admin's profile & info http://www.pearltrees.com/lijpje/lijpje-extensive-profile/id81614936 = Admin's YouTube https://m.youtube.com/@mervynvkphantomdotuniversi2364 = **Contact** [[NO]] **Website Penny Monitor** STILL FAILING ---- ---- **more** all main topics are on [[start_0119]] [[library]] [[more_topics]] Three excellent progressive news and opinion sites https://commondreams.org https://opendemocracy.net https://democracynow.org and a tech look https://www.wired.com/category/politics/ Final Penny school [[advantage]] menu