Dear pupils of Penny school ... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw ... [[PENNY S CORNER]] for ideas, tools, outdoors, weather MAIN PAGES [[start]] [[CLIMATE]] [[BEAUTY]] - [[More topics]] - [[Library]] = [[Start0711a]] The LATEST FRONTPAGE on beauty & climate - [[was]] this EVENTS o football [[ladies]] && [[men_div49ed]] o [[olympics]] 0727 til 0811 === Ps we are in slight disorder Check if you like, no links THE FALL... DRUGS Just say no. LIBERTY updated 0709 Snippet is dutch From Fair use ( Holland prints news Since 1620ad, Anne Frank) Demonstratierecht in Europa wordt volgens Amnesty 'systematisch ondermijnd' Door onze nieuwsredactie 9 jul 2024 om 00:02Update: 1 uur geleden 84 reacties Vreedzame demonstranten worden in Europa steeds vaker hardhandig aangepakt, gecriminaliseerd en gestigmatiseerd, stelt Amnesty International. De mensenrechtenorganisatie vindt dat Europese landen "er alles aan doen om afwijkende meningen de kop in te drukken". end snippet Tragic No free expr in EU anymore. Former US President Trump taught So CURRENT TERM 'FAKE'. ty WAR EU & UK #wassenaar war updates by @lijpje2 Engineer FMT Utrecht 97 on apr-jun O 13/4 first use mini nuclear bombs for creating minable cyto felt X .matter [[NOTTRUESuspected target Bihar]] O 04/17 first news uk, now still #hunger O 07/03 #ggz psychiatrist has 6-9000 films children partly sex abused by him/her self FOLLOW @lijpje2 at twt/X ... gone === With a clear input... .... ..... [[How peace came]] about 0708 === eof