SYNCHRONIZATION if neurons fire synchronized... then they must actually receive eachother's output at timings in between its own firing. by receiving this input a neuron is more or less aware of the positions of the others, or it has an own POSITION in its connected network === DIMENSIONS if a small represenation is connected to a big network, that big network is another DIMENSION === KEY TO A REPRESENTATION as we said, a neuron and the representation it is part of, has a location. so the connected network or dimensions are key to ADDRESSING any representation in its virtual location. we believe EMOTIONS bring down a complex network to a simpler connected network that is a sort of key to a representation... its CONTEXT when the representation was created. === okay now in action we believe some information, that creates spirits, is transferred when you observe small groups there's age, gait, relative position === STRANGER & DIMENSION combined these represent a MYSTERY for the brain about what's going on between any group of strangers this mystery triggers curiosity, and there might be a threat and multiple possible solutions we believe the dopamine this triggers (ddg ai) gives a speed that makes the dimension of strangers larger than you would expect === references o o Life and Understanding: The Origins of "Understanding" in Self-Organizing Nervous Systems === eof