Beauty of the Eye Is beauty a male gaze? 2022 - science - The Hegemonic Male Gaze in the Media Culture: Influences of Advertisements on Female Beauty Standards and the Use of Beauty Filters on the Popular Social Media Platform Part A o commonly: eyes are called "a window into the soul" meaning? eyes are an intimate window into thought and emotions o eyes also help you share attention to what's around you o physically eyes in a way make themselves bigger and so also more beautiful because the eyelashes and eyebrows move along. these 2 help keep the eye safe, just like hair on your and public hair around genitals Part B Eyes in Stories & Mythology Stories o stories are engaging because they are mouth to ear and yet, by that, create scenes & states Imagination. Code about THETA brainwaves (coming!) o this makes it MUCH easier to make scenes radiant with magic or suspense imagination always has those, but now it is much freeer to be unbound. Mythology Last item created by half me half my PSUDO AI I was always enthusiastic about, but now... I think can't do without it more Hope that didn't show TOO much haha - thanks [[PSUDO demo myth and beauty item 0614]] === eof