The material Complete latest for lijpje2 on 0211 '25ad 23.30 Tweets from 0108 '25 til date above (0211) === REQUIRED INDICATE Ur not on x PAY CLOSE ATTENTION {{screenshot_20250211-234130.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234115.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234109.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234102.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234055.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234049.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234042.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234035.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234029.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-234019.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-233926.png}} {{screenshot_20250211-232531.png}} {{img_20250211_221024_mp.jpg}} === Analysis Under construction Preliminary result, Dutch (6 items) O research Q ... how many about involved or purp death, tweeting O 2% is by witness EIGEN, rest is low IQ comment, Death to fuck with in writing O so, again IQ low O in 'representatie van dood en verantwoording daarvoor (public) door auto, Traffic Death, is absent, 0% O ... O author is having CW sovidt mind fucking done by so called 'OM' in NL - these keep the record dirty to lawfully keep terrorising voices of the truth doesn't sound like an unreasonable superlative anymore again, eigen: missing ingredient Author very surprised Fut No questions... Bestuurder, u weet niks van auto of verkeer Recom Just say no ===