Mimicry school
This school suggests a new hypothesis about mimicry & beauty.
The hypothesis
For social entities, trust is essential. To be trustworthy for one entity, the other must be authentic. At the edge of authenticity transforming into fake lies the option to mimic.
Women mimic young girls eyes
Young girls, in 2024ad, mimic Asian eyes
Sexual abuse and authenticity
Sexual Abusers cross the line. They are trusted by the social circle of the victim, but act untrustworthy while alone with the victim. Thus they are double and undeniably fake. This along with abuse being structural and the victim not being able to escape … Are the three constituents of what makes sexual abuse damaging to the victim.
CSAM and mimicry of abusive acts
When men are sexually active, mimicry of sexual abuse brings them closer to actually mimicking this act. Thus in their hands it makes them mimic an abuser.
For schizophrenics things are different. When they see men with women with eye make-up mimicking young girl eyes, they don't buy the illusion. Schizophrenics are not sensitive to illusion. So either they choose to fall on women as they are or, as I do, they choose the real thing. Real big eyes, real laughs. Normals don't appreciate this, they accept mimicry as beautiful, as suggested.
Schizophrenics thus don't trust the outer looks of things. They are used to trusting their inner fantasy more. They see a fake smile or another normals' illusion and they trust their inners that it's not real. Likewise they trust their fantasy to represent the actual world, which can lead to psychosis if false.
1. Fake smiles
2. Fake young girls eye make-up
3. & the headlights of a car as eyes
4. Sz don't take metaphors as reliable mimicry in speech
5. Sz don't see care for themselves as mimicry of mother
6. Sz don't self touch as mimicry
Normals have an illusion of independency
They don't think about the risk their driving is to
others and to the climate and environment.
They see their mimicry of independence as beautiful.
Schizophrenics are the other way around
They think about invisible factors, risks and
pollution and politics. They see everything
as connected and also crave for magic links.
=== Eof
Here's wiki on mimicry in tech
Here's some nudity, so only if you are sz
Mimicry of young girls
Beautiful… (2x 7, human made & natural)
Male nude
Painting … Historic/modern
Building … Historic/modern
Illusion of male nude
A bare human shows us we need to
grab, we need to walk, we need sex.
A normal identifies with the shown
aspects of life. For a schizophrenic
the xp does not grow his identity …
It doesn't translate into a goal,
but because he knows it's a goal,
he xps threat. And he xps achievement,
thus not motivated to do or grow.
Ref - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-disorder
Illusion of beautiful building
Mimics a giant human standing.
By entering, we think we become a giant.
But actually, big buildings make people
less social, they hide. Think city life.
Illusion of castles
Same as illusion of independence. A castle
is hard to supply and links between
castles are hard to maintain.
Schizophrenics & cemeteries
Books 1980-1989
1. Handmaid's tale - sci-fi
2. Ender's game - sci-fi
3. Colour purple
4. Matilda - children's
5. Beloved
6. Name of the Rose - heresy & murder
7. Watchmen
8. It - horror
Ref - https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/9
Murder & Justice
Normals love for crime fiction is based
on finding the perpetrator and bringing justice.
But justice is mimicry. It pretends to make
good by hurting the perpetrator. Very Christian.
An eye for an eye. Justice is an illusion.
Do normals & sz find eachother in sci-fi?
Since sci-fi goes beyond the authentic
(since it's not real) but implies not a
goal but something impossible, it appeals
to sz. For normals there probably is a
bigger element of could be possible involved.
Once again the beauty of the mimicry
is more appreciated by the normals.
Normals are able to pick a normal
goal when observing off the mark mimicry.
Sz can't and feel the pressure to
fill in the observed threat with a
random, deluded act which they see
as a good, personal achievement.
=== eof
Notes 01
Where meaning transitions
into something completely different
o justice
o poems
o girls eyes
o and…
Natural beauty, list ABV, is mostly
So nudity is immersive BCS you are
observed yourself, your whole body.
So with solo twns the girl watches me
So it's like exposing, not mimicry
So why do sz expose and heteros grab?
Because expose is virgin like.
You don't expose to an xped couple.
Admin suggests that attention to
Your own body supercharges the
perception of the girl when her body
is depicted. So seeing a face and
exposing is like real, mutual attention.
And since sz don't care about being
touched, this is very satisfactory.