Penny school - v2.1 0723 Version: disinfo (wiki) / rabbit hunt Created: 0417di til 0630bd === Dear pupils of Penny school ... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw ... [[PENNY S CORNER]] for ideas, tools, outdoors, weather MAIN PAGES [[start]] [[CLIMATEz]] [[BEAUTYz]] - [[More topics]] - [[Library]] Or follow the Rabbit = Core: [[5 theories on BEAUTYz]] Still completely under construction Plz mind that Penny is just an LQ muze :) === So... First page created was all [[CLIMATEz]] which is probably problem #1. Not interested? Find something in [[More topics]] GOOD LEARNING ... GOOD DAY :)) === {{caer.jpg}} === [[Knowledge catg]] of Penny School //"Penny school focuses on... Climate, beauty, society With: freedom, free speech, etc"// && //"The SIZE of Penny school will NEVER exceed 88."// Aowh [[Considerations]] for expanding site = WORLD (BIBLE) Humans Animals Agri Physics SCHOOLS UNIVERSITIES has [[academic disciplines]] = early outside? //Problems// / [[help out]] Society / civilization = societies Politics Police addressing those Groups with names, within society === Media, news & social media With Games, music, vids, etc... you know :) === === end of frontpage here the [[admin_details]] (rabbits) OUR MAIN ADDRESS && PLAN: [[our fablab]] dependence in Rivierduinen ggz, Leidschendam, ZH = Update 0711 fablab in ggz?, no go! resa: Crazy or too strong [[Eugenics]] === {{grdn64exsaahedd.jpg}} {{screenshot_20240716_234342_samsung_notes.jpg}} === eof