02 July Reasons for #schizophrenia, behavior unfit for 'DSM', OM: o green, anti cars o prestige #eu diagn sz sd i-split o war, veterans, illegals, 6v o adelbert ideal nl myst gst o parents... need my gf to be invis o & being relig despite them #wassenaar #ggz psych: grote zorgen === 02 July Reasons for #schizophrenia, behavior unfit for 'DSM', OM: o green, anti cars o prestige #eu diagn sz sd i-split o war, veterans, illegals, 6v o adelbert ideal nl myst gst o parents... need my gf to be invis o & being relig despite them #wassenaar #ggz psych: grote zorgen === 05 July uk started... rolling down spiral easily. All very proud fighters & feeble youngsters. GS. meet your end between dogs and us #lutan or #wassenaar === 05 July #wassenaar war updates by @lijpje2 Engineer FMT Utrecht 97 on apr-jun O 13/4 first use mini nuclear bombs for creating minable cyto felt X .matter O 04/17 first news uk, now still #hunger O 07/03 #ggz psychiatrist has 6-9000 films children partly sex abused by him/her self === 06 July #climatesolution #westernworld * Fact industry 40% Fact consumer rest (L "10) Solution saving 40% whole* O DRIVE & COOL & HEAT on GREEN ELECTRICITY #wassenaar === #wassenaar niet superrijken Douglas Rushkoff The #event ============== #Rijk gaat walzen Over edu soc ppl ============== Krant AD 07/07 zie @lijpje2 === 07 July 'Youth not okay' dutch news Dozens on bystanders arrestested at #mall, lake #tahoe #wassenaar === 07 July amnesty.org #Italy #humanrights #refugees Via @lijpje2 #wassenaar #holland === 09 July The whole story Lucaschenkoi Now in game world... China dash OIL the dirty economy #wassenaar green === === 10 July nederland gaat ten strijde, oorlog, topmilitairen, het AD MINE ARE in penny.school context. #wassenaar === 13 14 July Trump shot Belden ear bleeds === 0716 #wassenaar @Lijpje2 applied his life & skills to ss & europol 0711 Update - ss under scrutiny after Trump Shot 0713 Ps Trying not to focus on Philanthropy / project 2025 (cf. commondreams .org) === 0717 Did not show up at #europol Mon or Tue as suggested... Resa: o as i said, am hospitalized o they gets worse, i thought better o will continue work to stop cocaine and protect youth serious / ESOCC o street & media, media messy!! 0417+ TY #wassenaar 0717 aan dick poot nu.nl/buitenland/632… #protest #freespeech #vrijemeningsuiting Via @lijoje2 #wassenaar === 18 July North Korea accused of executing dozens of teens for watching South Korean dramas #NorthKorea #humanrights businessinsider.com/north-korea-ex… Via #wassenaar #Leiden #denhaag #amsterdam === 0718 FIRST SUGGESTION (!!) BIHAR ... penny.school/doku.php?id=su… Was Bihar victim of a big strike? #wassenaar === This is engineer Lijpje (wassenaar, ZH) we try to help Europol ESOCC, no connection (!) Youth 6 to 23... keep out #cocaine Prevent, help victims #rape, abuse, #incest, neglect. Monitor & post intel on serious #crime and #humanrights 4 youth.