Lending & Owning [[Where is it]] & [[own]] === I own fashion as a new trend each season - coding I own wired - stands for from project to hero - secret I own climate - standing for abandon cars - good ownX and so I own pos - as a non owner except all this - ?? I own pref === NORMAL POSSESSIONS Let's say if it's over 33 - then try adj? 1 nsci 2 ai 3 climate 4 fashion 5 wired 6 magic 7 t20 8 smartph 9 flow 10 printer 11 solar sys 12 kluis 13 iPhone oud 14 hard disk 15 schoenen === 16 shirts 17 sokken 18 adelbert facebooks 19 2 mags w abv, zb 20 sg... Sony === Limit here... actually as items w person!! << 21 Dak - dvds DUS weg 22 nw books 23 cyberpunk bks 24 sci 25 mil not - hobby /mat/ 26 kranten 27 filosofie 28 media <> outer world /not/ ... 29 Aztecs, astro, leven oer 30 Witcher magic === 31 life Inc weg 32 the cars - at waste FINAL DAMNIT CARS 33 atlas hist (3) - erf === Too much because... 34 === eof Ps De lijst is niet imp Lijst trash Ook monnik met shirt nee ECHT niks En ik met vieze smeerlap is weg op shirt Hahahaha lol Ps Kasten ballustrade o kleding plus - - o niks, doosjes, stated kapot, plus - nintendo playboy hannie - GANGKAST BOVENAANBTRAP plus - IMP REST REST LAAT STAAN, VOOR ANDEREN OOK NIETVEENS COOL boeken Snoeren Recordol o vergeten : Roland, Juno di , ew plus nog 3 - final edit, reward - Oa dod rod msj DAMNIT zie onder 3 lijken van 'reward=evil see/warn' o ESO koffer - religie weg op web o fix - hoe van drugs af o kijk - zeg tech, sci, soc & cold WAR REWARD? KEEP SAFE - SS Context After sleep 02am 0615, sat After deyl to nuke day, poisoned kit, Turing, uk Nuke day 0613 Alleen niks weg, media zouden bull, etc Maar... Dop is NIET reward Dop is van beetje evil, tot veel evil, sz, maar 'see' Fasc Medisch ggz Holocaust Climate HEEET kwd - apr23 Pegm eigenlijk Wel on DUS nubeven weg === === Na this revel... Upd 001 0615 sat 02.30 o Elon musk 2008 first launch, 80m o cold WAR - new evidence mad w name - 2022 war === Update 002 o bad news travels fast O elite - mobile elite o companies are seen o thus farms seem strange o guns - animals, threat trekkers (4) === Update 003 o libelle Big ppl - vs VN CARS - M war - ggl ukr opinion - Vs olde 25 ng ... incl stock market upside down Africa === Ps so one hope - ng to m - poorest to 1 Ing === Damnit end central own doc 0615 3am sat 2024 So the real challenge from the muze, Penny, How come, in web tech, that world cannot see in media, digital media, that Africa sit is result of US abuse while COP 2023 adds pressure same dir from Europe help cc for Africa === Ing mvk So far I don't know, The sit I know since 0418 2024 So now for me 2 months delay From clarity , probable Ing mvk can NOT also SOLVE. Prob not the Q Hang on ... Ooops ... Keep the spirit === Coming === ... Don't know If YOU can solve and want to let me know! Write a doc in here: ADDRESS ON WWW WP box Interserver.org VIA www.arrestable.org/wp Name admin with password X&adium0224 === HURRY WERE DYING === Obstacle 1 Btw but Ing langelaar ook from was ... Reordering * with reordering too much own You break your own rule Say what you don't want - Tori Amos So relates to RAINN abuse A purp partner might use in... Negotiation ... Since ps * & Zombies theta inside out Close in 3d is space of interaction But mov is based on deep mem, v high, DOP??? Ovm het kwaad - pegm apr23 = So obstacle 1 is Dns - suspended might seem to be true On all sites like this, WP or even plain written html === Since I now involve a fact by another engineer I add in a sweet voice (nr3, can NOT locate) Ja dat week over theta is serious, new, good And it may be related To the post on ng en #business on twt === All with you Except if govt or ggl IS doing that (twt 0615 0630am) End threat haha Hurry ===