2022 A final warning for sticking to the 2015 Paris agreement... UN climate report: It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115452 UN United Nations april 2022 === 2024 it was TOO LATE Zeke Hausfather, @hausfath on X... The last 12 months (through April) have been the warmest on record by a large margin, at 1.65C (± 0.07) above preindustrial levels. https://twitter.com/hausfath/status/1790778216808075399?t=uPgGxU7Km-NICuVFY_B85A&s=19 X may 2024 === New study says the world blew past 1.5 degrees of warming 4 years ago https://grist.org/science/sea-sponges-global-warming/ Grist february 2024 === Over 700 scientists endorse mass civil disobedience to fight climate crisis: 'Moral duty to take radical action' https://www.alternet.org/2019/10/over-700-scientists-endorse-mass-civil-disobedience-to-fight-climate-crisis-moral-duty-to-take-radical-action Alternet.org october 2019 ===